New planning software simplifies logistics and process execution for large rail construction projects.
A picture says more than a thousand words. And logistics and processes of large rail construction projects can be planned more efficiently and economically through visualisations. This is the principle used by new sofware product dProB, developed jointly by RSRG and its cooperation Partner BII GmbH.
Based on standard CAD planning, this tool allows a "digital twin" of the construction project to be generated. Experts simulate all construction processes and workflows including possible variants or alternatives, before the first excavator has even arrived on the actual construction site. The fastest, most cost-effective, and environmentally friendly version is then implemented in consultation with the client. And the often decisive question in large projects about sufficient storage can be answered quickly and reliably thanks to realistic visualisations.
dProB even allows planning to be adjusted at any time during the construction phase. All plans and possible replanning, as well as all actually implemented planning steps, are fully archived and analysed. These learnings help to plan and calculate subsequent projects even more precisely. Thus, RSRG can offer its customers the best service and support the entire project even more efficiently and successfully.

So far, the most extensive use of the RSRG development has been in the "Stuttgart 21" century project. There, RSRG is constructing almost 42 kilometers of fixed track (FT) in several working groups directly at the new underground main station and between the airport and the Neckar crossing. The innovative tool provided great support, especially in determining storage space and planning the logistics for the materials needed in the two switch halls, each equipped with 24 switches.