Increasing quality and quantity through technological developments.
Finding the solutions of tomorrow today – that’s our approach when it comes to slab track technology as well. Our in-house development IVES combines both the bottom-up and top-down construction methods and replaces the concrete sleepers with prefabricated concrete structural elements. Within a matter of hours, the track is fully capable of withstanding stress loads and becomes usable again – that’s raising the bar!
The task of integrating IVES into a completely automated conversion method is one of the development projects that we’re currently driving in close cooperation with Deutsche Bahn. The aim is to accelerate conversion and renewal of slab tracks in order to ensure the fastest possible use of rail infrastructure for customers.
In our expert interview, Norman Krumnow, Head of Innovation at Rhomberg Sersa Germany and Lecturer in Railway Engineering at HTW Berlin, describes the benefits offered by IVES and how things are likely to develop going forward.