Collecting experience and learning lessons through pilot projects
One of the main future topics in railway infrastructure is the model-based process of planning, building and management with BIM (Building Information Modelling). If you’ve been following our Journey through the Year of Rail, then you’ve probably seen our interview with Ralf Sommer, head of our BIM implementation project, and are already familiar with the topic.
Now we want to hear from someone directly involved. Marcel Nolte is in charge of the BIM team in Zurich and has successfully executed the first use cases. In this interview, we discuss how it all started, what issues those involved in the pilot projects had to grapple with, but most importantly, what opportunities are presented by the digitally based building and planning process.
We’ve divided this interview into three parts due to its length.
Initial pilot projects in collaboration with the SBB

BIM in practice – initial impressions

BIM – new projects and future prospects