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With RSRG's climate strategy toward a sustainable future.

RSRG is constantly striving to minimise the ecological footprint of their construction sites and has recently achieved significant progress. This is mainly due to the efficient and trustworthy cooperation within the group and with partners and clients.


Starting Point

Both the Paris Agreement (2015) and the EU Green Deal (2019) pursue the overarching goal of combating the climate crisis and accelerating the transformation to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. The 2015 Climate Agreement aims to achieve this goal by keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, ideally limiting it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The EU aims to make Europe the first “climate-neutral” continent by 2050.


In line with laws, policies, and customer expectations, RSRG is making a concrete contribution. To achieve the net-zero target by 2050, an internal climate strategy has been developed within RSRG. All markets have been included in this strategy, and each market is being individually guided on this path. The climate strategy is reviewed annually in a standardised process (according to the GHG Protocol).


Figure 1 clearly shows the emissions and scopes considered in RSRG's greenhouse gas inventory. Figure 2 shows the results of the greenhouse gas inventory for the fiscal year 2022/23, with emissions amounting to approximately 52,000 t CO2eq. Figure 3 illustrates how RSRG plans to reduce CO 2 emissions by 2032/33. An overall reduction of -20% is planned. For Scope 1 and 2, a reduction of -40% is planned. To stay on track with the Paris Climate Agreement and the SBTi benchmark, a reduction of -50% would be necessary. RSRG plans to close this 10% gap with additional, ambitious measures in the coming years.


In addition to climate protection, RSRG also focuses on other sustainability priorities. With #railtozero, a new innovative slogan and a corresponding key visual for the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group's climate and sustainability strategy have been created. With a sustainability team, #railtozero is comprehensively and systematically implemented within RSRG.


All information on this topic is summarised and prepared in the sustainability section of our corporate group's website. Here, interested parties can learn more about the sustainability vision and discover RSRG's climate protection measures.

Fig. 2: RSRG Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2022/23: 52,099 t CO2

Info: Greenhouse gas emissions, also known as GHG emissions, are expressed as CO2 equivalents (CO2eq).


Fig. 3: CO2 reduction path until 2032: -10,400 t CO2

1 The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) enables companies to set net-zero targets based on the latest climate science to help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.


Overview of RSRG's Climate Strategy

Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2022/23: 52,000 t CO2

(Scope 1: 41 % | Scope 2: 2 % | Scope 3: 57 %) 


Main energy source is diesel: 7.5 million litres per year 

By 2032/33

  • - 20% (10,400 t) CO2 in Scopes 1, 2, 3 or
  • - 40% in Scopes 1 & 2, thus meeting the SBTi benchmark

Main measures for decarbonisation: 

  • Diesel replacement 67%,
  • Electrification 13%, 
  • Increasing energy efficiency, switching to green electricity products,
  • Raising awareness, and general efficiency improvements through digitalisation and automation technologies
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