Company News

Together, Stronger for You

Reading time: 2 Minuten

In a globalised world, strong partnerships and networked knowledge are invaluable. Even better than friends in high places are knowledgeable friends in foreign countries. This is especially true for us at the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group (RSRG) when we implement projects for our customers around the world – from Ireland to Australia, from Switzerland to Canada.

Although each market within the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group operates independently in daily work, one thing is always evident: the strong cohesion across national borders that makes us one large, international family. When our experts encounter a challenge on a project – or simply feel that they could benefit from the experience built up within the group over many years – a quick phone call is all it takes to work together on the ideal solution.


This lived principle of international collaboration and knowledge sharing is a fundamental part of our corporate culture and our success. We firmly believe that together we are (even) stronger than the sum of our parts and therefore we achieve truly great things for our customers.


All 4 One – All 4 You.

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