Company News

More than the sum of its parts

Reading time: 5 minutes

Aristotle knew that the collaboration of several elements - be it living beings, substances, or even companies - has the potential to create something new, bigger, better. In his words: "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Proof of this was provided a little over ten years ago by the Sersa Group from Switzerland and Rhomberg Bahntechnik from Austria. These two specialists in top-quality railway infrastructure came together to form a collective. While each was already an absolute expert in its field, the two companies combined as Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group and managed to create a level of quality, efficiency, and economy that is unmatched. 


Primarily, the companies involved initially benefited from the collaboration, such as increased productivity, reduction of business risks, or knowledge transfer. However, the staff responsible at the RSRG have consistently passed these advantages directly on to their customers, in the form of innovative products and working methods, more efficient resource use, higher quality, and clear cost savings. 


Now comes the next logical step: the RSRG is also growing together as a brand and is consistently presenting itself under the shared name "Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group" (RSRG). This creates even more clarity for its customers. The future principle is: Whether a main railway line needs new high-speed routes, public transport wants to professionally train and further educate its train drivers, an industrial railway needs to renovate its track, or operators, holders, or owners of railway construction rails want to update their fleet - a single call, one email is enough! Even major projects that require large planning expertise, coordination of complex workflows, and project steps are in the right hands with the RSRG as a "one-stop shop". 


In short: what's inside is now clearly labelled on the outside: competence, quality, safety, economy. Welcome to the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group!

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