On Site

Renewal of the Bommerstein Tunnel

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Reading time: 3 minutes

The RSRG takes its role as a full-service provider seriously.

SBB are thinking 30 years ahead for the double-track Bommerstein Tunnel near Walenstadt (SG). The RSRG gets down to work.


The Bommerstein Tunnel (458 m) is an important part of the Zurich–Chur railway line. The project was triggered by the need to ensure clearance for the EBV-S2 setpoints, which has to be achieved by setting tracks lower. In addition, stabilisation, environmental protection and equipment measures in the tunnel and near the portal were put out to tender. At the end of 2019, the RSRG was awarded the CHF 19 million project as the sole bidder and will ensure that it is realised according to plan and on schedule.


The comprehensive tunnel refurbishment is taking place with one track in permanent operation. 2021 saw the renewal of the lakeside track with traffic operation over the mountain track; in 2022, this is the other way round. A protective wall along the centre of the tunnel separates the construction and operating tracks.


The project is nearing completion. The work on the tunnel is now finished. The wing walls are currently being repaired. The project will be handed over to SBB at the beginning of November and the line will be fully operational again from the timetable change in 2022.


With the completion of this important transport facility, the RSRG once again proves that it provides a wide range of services in railway engineering: From tunnel refurbishment and canal construction to safety and equipment, it offers its customers a one-stop solution for the modernisation of their infrastructure.


Even in the turbulent times of the last two years, the RSRG has established itself as a reliable partner and stepped in successfully when the unexpected happened. All thanks to their employees, who have the expertise and flexibility to meet ever-changing demands.

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